books, ‘zines, comix etc. from independent authors and publishers
Escaping the Digital Stone Age is a zine by Cyan Coury promoting new ideas for what the next wave of female representation in video games could look like. I’m filing this one under games as well as print because any serious game dev these days ought to take a look at these character descriptions / educational…
Artwork by Mike Bartz Back in the eighties and nineties, the indie scene was chockablock with short-run Xerox’d ‘zines crammed with political screeds, interviews with indie bands, short stories, street poetry, comics, etc. Control takes us back to that time with its punk aesthetic and content. The mixture of typewriter fonts and scratchy handwriting laid out in…
Julien Poirier is a poet born in the San Francisco Bay Area. He is the author of several poetry collections, and the editor of an anthology of writing and a book of travel journals Articles: Going Crazy in New York and San Francisco: An Interview with Poet Julien Poirier
Doc first started making electronic music on his Playstation using MTV Music Generator. Shortly after, he started making beats with circuit bent toys and Reason, but just found that the more powerful the software the less inspired he was to write new material. Now Doc writes his songs on Gameboys and iPhones. He also happens…